Search by tag: testimonials

BA (International Honours) Intern

Hello! I’m Alyssa Skvarla, and I will be your BA (International Honours) Intern for 2018-2019. I’m a third year studying English through the programme. Typical of any English student, you are likely to find me reading…

BA (International Honours) intern

The 2017-2018 intern is Julia Mills. The BA (International Honours) Intern has an important role to play in the CSA office and will be in touch with you during your time at St Andrews via email and through our Facebook…

Staff who studied abroad

Many of our academic and professional staff spent a semester or year of their own undergraduate programmes on exchange. Here, a few of them share their experiences and what they valued most about the opportunity to…

Studying in Europe – France

Université de Perpignan “Without hesitation it was one of the best experiences of my life” I was lucky enough to spend a semester studying French and Spanish at the Université de Perpignan Via Domita, having already…

Studying outside Europe – Uruguay

Universidad del la Republica, Montevideo Anna (International Relations and Spanish) ‌Initially I was full of doubts about studying abroad in Uruguay. Now I don’t think I could have made a better choice! I lived in…

Studying outside Europe – USA

University of California, Berkeley Laura (English) I was lucky enough to be offered the chance to spend a year studying at the University of California, Berkeley. Both socially and academically it was one of the best…

Studying outside Europe – China

University of Hong Kong Jennifer (International Relations) Studying abroad in Hong Kong was the best thing I have ever done. From a university of 7,000 students to a global megacity with the same number of skyscrapers,…

Studying outside Europe – Canada

Queen’s University Megan (English & History) Without wanting to sound too twee, it was definitely a life-changing experience. There are so many positives about studying abroad, but I believe one of the greatest perks…

Studying outside Europe – Australia

James Cook University Alec (Marine Biology) As part of my 3rd year of my BSc Marine Biology, I studied at JCU in Townsville, NE Australia. It was an experience that I will never forget and one that has completely…