Search by author: Alyssa Skvarla

Hello! I'm Alyssa Skvarla, your BA (International Honours) Intern for the 2018-2019 academic year. I'm a third year studying English and can typically be found reading in one of the many coffee shops around St Andrews. I've traveled a long way from sunny California to study first at William and Mary and now St Andrews, but my love for new experiences and traveling is perfectly cultivated through the program's opportunities. In my intern position, I hope to help everyone who is a part of the program so they have the best experience possible.

Alyssa Skvarla

St Andrews vs William and Mary: Goodbyes

With the final craziness of exams and last-minute revision, the academic year is at a close. Our exchange students here will be departing university grounds soon, just as our students abroad will be finding their way…

Three students on the beach

Study Abroad Reflections: Jamie Hinch

Exams are over at last! To celebrate, we have another study abroad reflection ready for you. This time, we’re taking you even farther north than St Andrews. Jamie Hinch spent this past semester abroad in Iceland, and…

Niagra Falls in winter

Study Abroad Reflection: Charlotte Marquand

With summertime right in sight, we begin to forget just how cold and dark the past winter was. St Andrews is far enough north to be hit by long days of darkness, and it’s cozy spot next to the North Sea guarantees icy…

Study Abroad Reflections: Clare Grist

As we approach the end of the academic year, many students grow sentimental and begin to reflect on all their experiences of the past term, whether they be successes or some shortcomings. We can understand the…

Spring Break with WaMStAs

And that’s the last holiday of the school year wrapped up! Spring break extends through the final two weeks of March, which brings us right into April and back into deadlines. As we enter the last gruelling haul…

Spring in St Andrews

Spring is in the air…or so we hope. While St Andrews has seen worse winters (last year’s snow storm is still fresh in the town’s memory), it’s still been a cold and dark couple of months. While the university retains…

Deadlines and Mental Health Resources

After blazing through the first few weeks of the semester, now is the time of year where it seems like it’s deadline season every week until revision. The library is packed, teetering around near-full capacity during…

St Andrews vs William and Mary: Cafes

A university campus can hardly exist without a café or two or ten. Whether your liquid fuel is a black Americano or a spiced chai latte or whatever concoction you pressure baristas with, students and staff rely on…